NEW BCG Pool 5.21.24

Members Pool

Please pay first by clicking link below & then fill out the contract information below & please use the same email or you will have issues!

Click this link to pay



Pool Agreement for the drawing on Tuesday 5/21/24, for the purpose of jointly playing the lotto game:



BCG Pool Terms and Conditions:

By agreeing and electronically signing your signature to this “Membership Lottery Pool” you are agreeing to ALL & everything listed in the “Terms and Conditions” as a Member of this lottery group.


  1. The members of the “Pool” group have a duty of good faith to each other and will treat each other fairly and with respect.
  2. No party signing this agreement is under 18 years of age or otherwise prohibited by law from purchasing Lottery tickets, participating in this pool and/or claiming a prize.
  3. I “Jerome Davis” am the Lottery Pool Manger for this draw and subsequent draws we do together. As such, I have absolute discretion, including determining who may play or not play in this draw. As Pool Manager, I shall manage this list, collect members’ contributions, purchase prior to the draw, validate the tickets after the draw and report the results of the draw as soon as reasonably possible, but in every case, prior to the next draw.
  4. The Pool Manger has no liability for his/her work as Group Leader other than to manage the group’s money honestly, either by purchasing tickets and managing the group. The members of the group hereby release the Lottery Pool Manger from all liability in all other respects.
  5. In the event that any prizes are won, the Pool Manager (Jerome Davis), who shall serve without compensation, shall evenly divide the prize among the “Members”. ANY AND ALL FUNDS WON AS PRIZES SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE HELD IN TRUST OF THE POOL BY THE POOL MANAGER. Distribution of funds will be determined by the total number of members/participants who have entered the pool.
  6. We recognize that the payment of Lottery prizes is pursuant to State Law and Lottery regulations. Should the Lottery tickets which are the subject of this agreement result in a prize(s) for which Lottery regulations permit direct payment, then a claim for direct payment shall be made. Where such regulations permit payment of the prize to only one natural person, then the designated representative shall be the Lottery Pool Manger (Jerome Davis and/or Shelley Davis) and he will claim and hold the prize for the benefit of all the “Members” of that particular “Lottery Pool”.
  7. You are considered a “Member” of the pool if you (1) pay your $5.00 membership fee (renewable each time), (2) your $20.00 ticket fee, (3) your $5.00 credit card processing, email/text messaging fee, web maintenance fee. The total amount to be a “Member” of the Lottery Pool is $5.00 per person each time we make a “Lottery Pool”, however the total amount collected is $30.00 per person to be fully vested.
  8. The Pool Manger will purchase Quick Pick tickets only.
  9. If the group wins cash in a draw, then it will be distributed equally among members of the lottery group, or used to purchase tickets in the next draw by the same group (and so on, if more cash and/or free tickets are won). If used to purchase tickets for the next draw, then no new members may join this group.
  10. Members hereby agrees that only combined winning funds of all tickets in excess/above or above the $100,000 threshold will be distributed back to the group. Any combined net winning funds of less than the “$100,00.00 threshold” (after taxes) which are won will be held and go back to play the Mega Million and or PowerBall once either has passed the 350 million dollar mark.
  11. This agreement shall not automatically renew and shall expire at the completion of the drawings or when all remaining funds are depleted to 50.00 or $0 (whichever comes 1st).
  12. Participants agree that any prize/money in excess of $500,000.00 shall trigger a 5% gift of the net winnings to The Black Love Homecoming LLC. DBA Black Couple Getaways for engineering this pool.
  13. You must pay a $5.00 membership fee to join the “Lottery Pool” each and every time we embark on a new pool. That $5.00 membership is renewable each time a “New” pool starts. This fee goes toward administration of the group.
  14. All members are also required to pay their own processing fees.
  15. Any member who plays is “All In” until the money is depleted to $0 – $50.00. There are NO REFUNDS or withdrawals once your “membership fee, lottery ticket fee and processing fee” is paid and the pool starts.
  16. Any Winnings below $50.00 will be used for expenses incurred as this process could go on forever if not capped at $50.00.
  17. If you have not paid in full for this draw prior to purchasing of the tickets, then you are not considered a “Member” of this lottery group. The deadline to pay is 3:00pm est. on 5/21/24 the day of that particular drawing. Your email submission and confirmation will be time stamped for validity as well.
  18. Each lottery draw and each lottery group-play form is a new agreement to play the lottery. As such, there is no “regular” group or “regular” members. The group-play form is signed, and the money is paid in advance of each ticket purchase and determines the lottery group for that particular draw.
  19. If a person is sick or on vacation or otherwise unavailable to register on this form or to contribute their money, then he/she is not a member of this group. There is no legal or moral obligation on the part of the Group Leader or other member to contribute on his/her behalf.
  20. In the event that a person does not sign electronically sign this agreement or provide funds by the deadline, they are not considered a “Member” of the lottery pool for this drawing, and so will not reap any financial benefits or otherwise from any winnings.
  21. If there is a dispute among members of the pool group about any aspect of the groups’ play, the dispute should not be resolved in the courts but instead will be resolved by an independent certified arbitrator selected by the Lottery Pool Manager and a simple majority of the members of the lottery group. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final. The arbitrator shall determine who is responsible for his/her costs. 


This is the entire agreement of the parties and there are no agreements express or implied or not stated herein. This agreement may only be altered in writing and signed by ALL members.



  • After you register and pay your money, you will get an email confirmation stating that you have become a “Member” of the Pool. Check your spam folder please.
  • The Lottery Pool Team will upload them to the  by 10:00pm est. on the nights of that particular drawing, so you can check all numbers played. Here is the link to join the TELEGRAM group –
  • As soon as tickets are purchased, they will be digitally photographed, and that photograph of numbers will be distributed to all players via the Telegram app for review and to check for winning tickets. 
  • The announcement of any winnings will be emailed and sent by text message and on the app by 10:00pm the following day of the drawing, along with the number of “Pool Members”. 
  • The deadline to play is 3:00pm est. on 5/21/24
  • These same rules will be applied to any winnings for the next group play round in the PowerBall and/or MegaMillion games. 
  • The name of the app is “Telegram” and the name of the group to search for once you get it on your phone is “BCGMONEY”. Go and add it to your phone this second – immediately please. This is where the results and lottery ticket pictures will be posted! Here is the link to join the TELEGRAM group –


By signing this form, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the above terms.


Please make sure you paid before hit submit on this form

Click here to pay –

Member Pool(Required)
I agree to ALL the “Terms and Conditions” set forth in this “Lotto-Pool Agreement”